19-10-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.15 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.28-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.14 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
28-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.13 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
27-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.12 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
27-09-2004: The ipfilter/fake list is regulary updated, the changelog and the update dates can be found here
21-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.11 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
21-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.1 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
19-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.09 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
12-09-2004: Emule 0.44b Pawcio 5.08 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
10-09-2004: Emule 0.44a Pawcio 5.07 is released and can be downloaded at the downloads section.
27-06-2004: A new pawcio version is out :D, you can download Emule 0.43b Pawcio 5.02 @ downloads section.
27-06-2004: Added a pawcio based mod(made by Stormit) and the latest pawcio 4.25B-SE at the downloads section.
23-06-2004: Sorry for the lack of updates(due to work and other stuff), gonna do a big update(with latest pawcio based mods)this weekend untill then you can always use the up to date ipfilter and fakes to make emule more secure and to get rid of those normal files that are really pr0n movies ;)
29-12-2003: eMule Pawcio4.13 released there is a 0.30e version and a 0.41a.10 version.
25-12-2003: Merry christmas to all

16-12-2003: New site launched
6-12-2003: eMule Pawcio4.12 released there is a 0.30 version and a 0.40f26 version
6-12-2003: eMule Pawcio4.11 released there is a 0.30d version and a 0.40f26 version
5-12-2003: eMule Pawcio4.10 released there is a 0.30d version and a 0.40f26 version, and it now uses "on the fly optimization by eWombat"
28-11-2003: eMule Pawcio4.08 released based on emule 0.30d
14-11-2003: eMule Pawcio4.07a released there is a 0.30c version and a 0.40f26 version
9-11-2003: eMule Pawcio4.06 released there is a 0.30c version and a 0.40f26 version
8.11.2003: Just a little newsflash, the site redesign(new site in php because the old kinda sux :P) is taking longer then expected due to work.
But hopefully the new site(with forum and feedback) will be up next week. -
2.11.2003: eMule Pawcio4.05 released there is a 0.30c version and a 0.40f26 version.
2.11.2003: eMule Pawcio4.04 released there is a 0.30c version and a 0.40f26 version.
2.11.2003: eMule0.40f26Pawcio4.03 released, this is a testclient for more info look here and here
1.11.2003: Pawcio4.02 based on 0.30c released.
28.10.2003: Pawcio4.01 based on 0.30c released.
26.10.2003: Pawcio4 based on 0.30c released.
23.10.2003: Pawcio4 Release candidate released.
21.10.2003: Pawcio4 Beta2 released.
19.10.2003: Pawcio4 Beta released, as always you can get it at the Downloads section.
01.10.2003: Pawcio4 Alpha4 released(based on Emule 0.30b), You can get it at the Downloads section.