Emule pawcio
Short guide (recommended settings):

USS Group:
- deselect "Max ping allowed"
- URL to ping - select Auto
- select options: "Minimize number of opened slots", "Cumulate bandiwidth...", "Include overhead", "Manage of active connections", "Include connection overhead".
- use slider (above "Max ping allowed" or on TrayMenu) to find best surfing experience.

Limits in USS group:
1. for T-DSL 768/128 (mostly Germany)
- Min upload - 11
- Max upload - 16
- deselect "Session up:down limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

2. for T-DSL 1536/256 (mostly Germany)
Min upload - 14
Max upload - 30
- deselect "Session up:down limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets"

3. for 512/128 (mostly France, Poland)
Min upload - 8
Max upload - 15
- select "Session up:down limit" and "Include TCP Ack packets

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